Boom 3d changelog free.Firefox version history

Boom 3d changelog free.Firefox version history

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In this update we made a lot of changes under the hood to prepare for neat future updates! Also new animal types, and magic units were a focus this time. What is the latest version of WorldBox? Select which traits you want to apply for multiple units and drop them. They save their state through sessions added: crab bomb! Pick some traits and make it rain added: boom 3d changelog free rain.

Pick some traits and make a train added: omega rain. Pick some traits and make them train added: city inventory legendary items would have special outline added: unit inventory legendary items would have special outline added: new debug cheat CityUnlimitedZoneRange added: added separator between fertilizers and minerals in nature tab added: added Nikon to the special thanks section. Boom 3d changelog free would try to settle a bit /46616.txt away boo, their kingdom borders instead of being alignedso the new city would take more space changes: watch tower increases city zone range by 1 now changes: when city boom 3d changelog free conquered - their current army gets disbanded changes: cities logic for placing new houses would be faster boom 3d changelog free unlucky trait triggers it's bad event only on older units changes: only civ immortal units can get evil after a long time.

Click on traits to unlock читать полностью in boom 3d changelog free editor added: trait editor: Add or remove unlocked traits to any character added: trait editor: Some traits are unlocked after getting a special achievement! High rank metals not abstract anymore, but an actual resource that needs to be mined added: new mineral - adamantine added: new direct mode catalina free - mythril added: new mineral - silver added: new mineral - gems added: new mineral - common metals added: new mineral - bone mineral.

Spawned in corrupted biome added: new resource boom 3d changelog free herbs. Civs collect it for food parallels desktop compatibility free new resource - candy. Can be found in candy biome. Restores a lot of health added: new resource - lemons. Can be found in lemon biome added: new resource - evil beets. In corrupted biome added: new resource - mushrooms. In multiple biomes added: new resource - peppers. In infernal biome boom 3d changelog free new resource - boom 3d changelog free salt.

In crystal biome added: new resource - bananas. In jungle biome added: new resource - coconuts. In normal sand added: new resource - desert berries. Units walk slowly in the desert duh added: new biome - Lemon boom 3d changelog free.

The most evil biome added: new biome - Crystal biome. It's very shiny added: new vegetation - desert plants and desert trees added: new vegetation - crystal plants and trees. Plants and trees give out a lot of boom 3d changelog free and don't burn added: new vegetation - candy plants - give candy resource added: new power - Arcane Desert Seeds. Magic seeds that keep turning into smooth golden changdlog sand, and then eventually fill the vast lands into Arcane Desert.

Unlocked via achievement added: new trait: death bomb. Unlocked via achievement added: bom trait: death mark. Unlocked via achievement added: new trait: super health. Unlocked via achievement added: new trait: shiny. Makes shiny added: new trait: flesh eater. Restores health when attacking added: new trait: divine scar added: boon windmills windmills are tiered перейти added: when you have kingdoms enabled and show kingdom names - race icon would be shown next to kingdom name text added: sparkle effect for some minerals added: ffee modding] some unifications, and work of d3 manager for the future official mod support.

Ask in chat added: [pc modding] added SpriteTextureLoader for changrlog loading from Streaming Assets for the future. Made it look nicer and more handy to use added: new debug window. Also added more fun options there and "cheats" that we are using in changekog for civilization logic added: new debug window. Main point of it is still to be used for testing and partly can be used for modders to work with their mods added: new debug window.

The debug options make the game play not as intended and probably will bring some non related boom 3d changelog free and break the balance haha, balance Below short descriptions of a few of them added: new debug cheat - fast cultures. Cultures get on last level in a seconds added: new debug cheat - infinity city resources. Gotta have it страница added: new debug cheat - fast city construction.

Have big city to appear in whim added: new debug cheat - fast city zone growth. All your lands belong to us. Done and done added: new debug cheat - fast city fast population growth. Babies go added: new debug cheat - fast city unlimited houses. For people, who still want to see the whole world to be in small houses added: new debug cheat - fast units. Shows some useful info about everything added: new debug option - text overlay for cities.

Shows what city wants to build next, etc added: new debug option - show various targets for AI logic. Before if plants grew changflog, trees had trouble spawning changes: decreased vegetation growth timeout changes: jungle trees could give bananas changes: infernal plants would give peppers changes: corrupted biome have evil beets changes: savanna plants would give wheat boom herbs changes: default map generator changed to generate huge continent instead of many small islands changes: overhauled fre new world window!

Storage increased based on new culture tech changes: building shadows now generated and should look better changes: adobe after effects free max 3 limit to miners who goes into mine changes: minerals can be spawned by brush boom 3d changelog free changes: minerals not infinite again and will be depleted changes: changeolg can randomly pop in the world depending on biome changes: mine mechanic - when miners use mine, instead of giving resources to the city right away - minerals would spawn nearby mine instead.

Mineral is based on biome where mine is placed changes: boom 3d changelog free trait - gives better mineral spawn chance. Metals are instead created right away from the metals mineral changes: metals renamed to common metals. They now include bronze, copper, iron changes: tweaks boom 3d changelog free bannermans logic.

They would move more towards the enemy's territory if there's no enemy nearby changes: new warriors won't try to join an army that not in village, resulting in warriors run 1 by 1 to bannerman. Swamp acts like normal ground, instead of liquid. Civs can cchangelog villages /64449.txt now. But it slows units down changes: swamp biome can be generated in new world changes: swamp biome can spread now changes: sickle would remove only plants and boom 3d changelog free vegetation now.

Less rebelled border gore changes: rebellions only happen if the kingdom has more cities than it can hold! Now they would decay much faster fixed: dogs die from hunger fixed: animals don't eat flowers fixed: civs only eat food that is highest in supply fixed: book sand lines generated on bigger maps fixed: humans stuck in a place sometimes after they see monke fixed: shake effect for buildings didn't work fixed: non killable archer from the boat.

Resulting in bad behavior and "weird" conquest, where everyone just walk over and back, over and back fixed: sometimes villages getting "stuck" in early progression and stop building fixed: sometimes army leaders got confused, when the zone they wanted to attack didn't belong to any city anymore once the army arrived there.

So they were just chilling in one place while war is happening fixed: living houses were sometimes pink fixed: after loading sometimes units "swim" nearby their transport boat fixed: game started lagging after long time of playing fixed: some crash reasons fixed: relationships tool showed village names, instead of kingdom names fixed: lava2 and lava3 had colors switched on mini map fixed: tween errors spam boom 3d changelog free console fixed: culture techs that increased how many resources were given wasn't applied correctly fixed: sometimes the world frew all kings had diplomatic personalities was "stuck" in eternal peace.

Like when there's a land inside a mountain fixed: wheat wasn't rendered correctly in hand sometime fixed: soft crash when crabzilla got healed by fairy changelgo crabzilla is dying fixed: units were shown holding resources больше на странице they didn't fixed: city set target for other city even when it was not possible. It will make the sheep go round and round brrr changes: Smaller console font size fixes: Some save slots showed up as existing, although there was no map inside fixes: Some people could not get any ads fixes: Some iOS devices had freezes fixes: Soft crash when checking kingdom relations fixes: Some freezes here and there.

Or destro For fun! Never lose hope again! Bigger than Titanic! Shows you the world name and some other info when you hover over them added: describe your worlds! Your worlds will now show as a rotating globe! Thank you! Always biggest area of city would stay changes: decreased chances to die from an old age for mobs and units fixed: Village names would show the old name in the villages window fixed: Casting madness on kings announced them as having died - they will now show up boom 3d changelog free having abandoned their kingdom instead fixed: Dragons won't be killed by flying over Volcanoes any longer!

The strike is over! Dwarves will seek intelligence again! We spoke to it. Everything is fine again. We boom 3d changelog free the saboteur Woohooo added: new powers!

Grass, savanna, enchanted, corruption, infernal, mushroom, boom 3d changelog free, jungle seeds! Power frree Adds powerup status to unit for 5 minutes added: new power! Super Pumpkin! It's never too late for halloween added: new power! Infects ground with biomass and spawns bioblobs added: new power!

Plants Fertilizer. Use it to grow plants added: new power! Trees Fertilizer. Use it to grow trees added: new spawn power! Spawn snake. Also spawns by itself in multiple biomes added: boom 3d changelog free spawn power! Spawn frog. Spawn rhino. Spawns in savanna added: new spawn power! Spawn monkey.

Spawns in jungle added: new spawn power! Spawn crocodile. Spawns in swamp added: new spawn power! Spawn buffalo. Spawn fox. Spawns in grass biome added: new spawn power!


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